New Story: THE FUTURE OF HUNGER IN THE AGE OF PROGRAMMABLE MATTER consistently publishes some of the most excellent short fiction, and I am so excited to finally have a story there!! Edited by Jonathan Strahan, “The Future of Hunger in the Age of Programmable Matter,” is described by as follows:

“A group of friends, a pair of lovers, and the tussle between love, addiction, and what comes next. Otto, a former addict, grateful and indebted to his lover Trevor, is faced with temptation and the threat of disaster, but he’s fighting it. Fighting it in a future where matter can be reprogrammed and anything could happen, good or bad.”

Read the full story, here!! 


Perhaps most excitingly, always includes an original illustration – mine is by Goñi Montes, and I’m in love with it:





Posted on: October 23, 2017, by : Sam J. M.
File under: Blog, New Publications