Upcoming Publications: Electric Velocipede, Daily Science Fiction
I’m super-excited to announce that I’ve got two short stories coming out in the near future!
My story “Sabi, Wabi, Aware, Yugen” will be published by Daily Science Fiction on December 6th. If you’re not already a subscriber to Daily Science Fiction, you should really consider doing so. A free excellent short story in your inbox EVERY DAY? Including mine???!? Go here to register, and if you do it before December 6th you’ll wake up to my story.
In addition, my story “The Beasts We Want to Be” will be included in Electric Velocipede #27. This is an incredible honor, the more so because it was recently announced that this will be the last issue of this important magazine. There’s no release date yet, but stay tuned to their website – and this one! – because Electric Velocipede is going to make a hell of an exit.
File under: New Publications