Me and Lee and Alex Chee

On Tuesday, October 5, I’ll be reading with two of the awesomest gay men writing.

Lee Houck is the author of YIELD, forthcoming from Kensington Books (or did it already forthcame?), and one hell of a model human.

Alexander Chee is the author of Edinburgh, which is one of those marvelous novels that manages to be literary as fuck, with brilliant dense writing and abundant heart-stopping feats of imagery and punctuation – but also tell a really good story and have really interesting characters.

I’ve been in anthologies with both of these fine upstanding gentlemen (Best Gay Erotica 06 and 08). I’ve read with Lee on two separate occasions. I interviewed Alex for a bad article I’m almost (but not quite) too ashamed to link to, and we’ve corresponded a bunch – but I’ve never actually met him, let alone shared a bill with him, and I’m a little nervous/excited.

Please come. You won’t find three hotter better writers doing their thing on stage at the same time for a while.

Tuesday, October 5th, at 6PM

Dixon Place: 161A Chrystie Street, between Rivington and Delancey.

Use a Google map for DRIVING & WALKING directions.
Use for SUBWAY, BUS & WALKING directions.

Hyacinths and Whiskey. Photo by me.
Hyacinths and Whiskey. Photo by me.
Posted on: August 13, 2010, by : Sam J. M.
File under: Uncategorized