Talking THE BLADE BETWEEN in Hudson, 3/28.
I wrote THE BLADE BETWEEN to help process all my messy, complex feelings about the transformation of my home town of Hudson, NY. And I was excited (and scared) to engage in dialogue with other folks who call it home – the ones who go back generations as well as the new arrivals.
But because the book dropped in December of 2020, pandemic restrictions meant public events were impossible.
So I am super happy to share details on an AN ACTUAL IRL reading and Q&A I’m giving on Monday, 3/28, to celebrate the book’s paperback release. If you’re in or around Hudson, come through! If not – you can still tune in! It’s a hybrid event; you can attend on Zoom.
Would love to see you there – in person or on a screen.

File under: Blog, Event, The Blade Between